Tuesday, March 8, 2016

JavaScript: Identity Combinator

The identity combinator is a function that takes a function and returns a function with identical behavior. By itself, this is kind of useless, but it can be used as the building block for combinators.

Here is a super simple version of the identity combinator:

var identityCombinator = (fn) => {
    return fn;

Pretty meaningless. Let's make it do the same thing only with more code!

var identityCombinator = (fn) => {
    return function(...args) {
        return fn.apply(this,args);

Do a tiny refactoring and add some comments

var identityCombinator = (fn) => {
    // I can put stuff in here the will be preserved between calls
    // and is accessible by the function below
    return function(...args) {
        // I can do stuff here
        var returnValue = fn.apply(this,args);
        // I can do stuff here
        return returnedValue

I can now use this as a base for writing more interesting combinators. Let's create a trivial logging example.

var log = (fn, loggingComponent) => {
    return function(...args) {
        var returnValue = fn.apply(this,args);
        return returnedValue

Now, for any arbitrary function I can do this:

arbitraryFunction = log(arbitraryFunction, loggingComponent);

Combinators give you nice encapsulation and reuse benefits that would otherwise be difficult to get. The Lambda Calculus has been around for almost 80 years. It has existed as a kind of mathy notion of computation that is slowly working it's way into mainstream. IMHO, we should begin to think about increasing the expressivity of our code using combinators.

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