Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Simple Patterns: Edit and Create Strategy Pattern

Most of the systems I work with allow a end user to create or modify a data object. Inevitably you see a "Create" method and an "Edit" method. One depressing thing is that these often have a very large amount of duplicated code. Here is simple strategy pattern to alleviate this. Done in C#.

Create(MyObjectType myObject) {
    Modify(new CreateStrategy(), myObject);
Edit(MyObjectType myObject) {
    Modify(new EditStrategy(), myObject);
private Modify(IModStrategy strategy, MyObjectType myObject) {
// inner classes
private interface IModStrategy {
   SomeThing DoSomeStuff();
private class CreateStrategy : IModStrategy {
   SomeThing DoSomeStuff() { ... }
private class EditStrategyIModStrategy {
   SomeThing DoSomeStuff() { ... }

This is a simple, well understoof patterns which clearly calls out the differences between an edit and a create as well as preventing duplication between the two. Duplication between edit and create is a very easy place to generate subtle errors.

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