Friday, June 14, 2013

IE10 thinks I'm stupid so I think it is a jerk!

Okay, we have recently started supporting IE10 and we have had a few issues. The issues come from IE10 deciding that web developers (aka me) are idiots. It has decided it will ignore various information that comes from the server. I have some pages that I want to display in an old IE mode, "legacy pages", and some that I want to display using modern rendering. So I add my little header <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> on some pages and on other pages I add <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />. I have given IE10 explicit instructions. Guess what IE10 feels very free to ignore these. One way is that if you are on the same intranet IE10 will assume you should be in an old mode and will ignore these instructions. Another way is that if you say some site pages are in an old mode then it will do all your pages in that mode and ignore explicit instructions from the server.

Basically IE10 is assuming the web sites are dumb and that the user should be making the decision. All of its attempts to figure out mode are fine in my opinion if the server does not specify what mode the page should be run in, but if I specify a mode, use that mode!

So another issue is no-cache. IE10 ignores it when navigating with the back and forward button. This will introduce TONS of rarely seen bugs because IE10 decides to ignore instructions from the server. Sign, luckily adding "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store" to the header fixes these issues, but it still makes me angry at IE10.

Now I tried to like IE10, but repeated ignoring of instructions from the server made me hate it.

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